Bloomington Indiana Headshot Photography

Bloomington Indiana Headshot Photography

Playing miscellaneous 1960’s pop songs as I edit, and the sheer openhearted, genuine, honest emotions are — to my ear — even more impactful in today’s changed world.

The beauty of a simple declaration with an unforgettable three-minute delivery. Wow. The music carries me to an idyllic emotional place.

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Bloomington Wedding Photographers

Bloomington Wedding Photographers

One of the funniest wedding moments in my career as a photographer…. As we were getting a few private shots of just the two of them, the groom detailed to the bride what he was planning to do to/with her later that night, but didn’t know the bride’s parent’s were right behind him….!

I’m still smiling at the awkwardness (a Rowan Atkinson-esque moment!), but, to their credit, the bride’s parents laughed, too!

And, really, in a certain way, what a perfect launch into their new lives together!

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It’s so fun to capture moments of glee!

And I can attest that the sound of laughter in an ice rink echoes endlessly, which is an awesome bonus!!

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Twenty days into an epic Winter 2023 Road Trip already, and there have been dozens-and-dozens of astonishing moments/scenes/experiences. I can’t believe how fortunate I am to travel, take pictures, golf, run and explore history/literature/film/interests/passions full-time….

Thank you, God.

Awed and humbled and grateful and, at every moment, aware that this too shall pass….

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Parallel Lines

Parallel Lines

Apropos of absolutely nothing, there was always something so era-defining in 1979 Debbie Harry.

Give me 100 lifetimes, and in at least one or two (maybe 50!) I’d move to NYC in 1980 to introduce myself….

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Here’s to feeling this young fella’s lust for life in the coming new year….

I adore his focus and complete lack of self consciousness as he dances away at his parents’ wedding reception…. A hero of mine from 2022, no question.

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Love, Actually....

Love, Actually....

As is true for no doubt millions of people, one of my favorite traditions around the Christmas season is watching movies that make the heart swell and the tears flow….

Last night was “Love Actually”, and I’m as much enchanted by it as I was when I first saw it in London in 2003. I’ve always felt sorry for folks who are too curmudgeonly to be swept away by love, goodness, faith, hope, and sails-to-the-wind charm.

“A Charlie Brown Christmas”



“Breaking Away”

“About Time”

“Home Alone”

“It’s A Wonderful Life”


The list is long — and deeply precious to me — of films I can happily watch again-and-again, with popcorn, bourbon, a blanket and a face covered with flowing tears of joy….

We ought not wait until Christmastime each year for these soul-enriching binges into deep, deep awe, but, certainly, the season gives us a nudge to make sure we stop to appreciate the enormous joy — or potential for enormous joy — in our daily lives.

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Looking ahead to the 2023 photography calendar, there are dozens of sessions I’m genuinely excited to shoot. The upcoming year is filled with some interesting work and some terrific people to collaborate with.

But, if I had to choose a shoot I’m most looking forward to, it’s hard to climb above providing the photography for a to-be-published book on craft cocktails! What’s not to love about the possibilities?!

Product work, in general, is fascinating to me. But when the product is a craft cocktail, the work is…. Wait…. I don’t believe I can even describe this upcoming gig as work….

My imagination is dancing with the possibilities….

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Bloomington Wedding Photography

Bloomington Wedding Photography

Winding down the sessions for the year, and will shortly be entering the final year of our remarkable business journey.

Pausing to extend appreciation and gratitude to our thousands of clients, while equally looking ahead to celebrating a “last dance”, of sorts, in 2023….

Cheers to 2022. Cheers to what’ll be 10 years of a successful small business in BloomTown. Cheers to a sure-to-be-fulfilling 2023. And cheers to whatever’s around the bend….

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